Greetings. As the President and CEO I have the honor of kicking off this blog with an inaugural posting. It seems to me that although this blog will cover a variety of topics from experts both from within InfoSearch Media and from elsewhere, what I should be articulating is the central insight which has lead to InfoSearch Media value proposition. Though it took the hard work of many people here at the Company to finally figure it all out, the concept is really very simple. In the on-line world, no matter what kind of content is needed for a website – text, images or video – everyone is simultaneously thinking about website traffic!
This, of course, makes perfect sense. In fact, for most of our eBusiness clients, it is ALL about the traffic. In the past year or so, people have gotten smart about what their business needs. They don’t care about where they “rank” – pretty much everyone has realized that appearing on the first page of search results for a keyword that is never used will not deliver Web traffic (customers) to their business. It is all about the traffic. How much traffic should a customer expect? We decided to aim high. We should be able to deliver better Web traffic results than our customers receive from Google — the accepted gold standard of pay-per-click.
That bold thought triggered a good deal of research around here. At the risk of over-simplifying, we learned that if your site has a Page Rank of 3 or higher and you are paying an average of $0.55 or more per click, then we can deliver traffic more cheaply than Google. And unlike the vague promises often made by SEO companies, we believe we had to develop ways to measure and report exactly how much website traffic we are delivering – just like Google. Then we built an entire product line around that concept – text products that deliver traffic, online video products that deliver traffic – you get the idea. Finally, all we needed was a name for these products. An employee suggested “TrafficBuilder” and we thought that name pretty well summed it all up.
We recognize that each business’ website has different Web traffic requirements and ISHM has created packages to reflect those unique needs. For publishers and certain types of businesses where the written and video content needs to closely follow brand guidelines, Web traffic is accordingly emphasized somewhat less. Again, we will work to match our client’s needs.
As more and more business is done on the Web, businesses are getting smarter about what it takes to win. Makes perfect sense to us at InfoSearch Media.
In the end, most traffic still comes from organic search results, not from advertising. And according to IAB, March 2007, “Consumers are 9 times more likely to click on an organic link.”
In more than 80% of searches, users go directly to the organic search results, bypassing sponsored links completely. While pay-per-click campaigns offer quick traffic, organic listings deliver long-term results and higher amounts of traffic.
80% of Internet users utilize the search engines and directories to find products, services and information.
Out of which, 90% of all search engines users click results within the first 3 pages.
62% of these users click only on the first few results, hence the first 2 pages.
Only 20% of search engine users click on the sponsored advertisements.
If your business is experiencing the pain of poor quality website traffic, it’s time to consider quality web content, online video and text to lower your marketing costs. Why rent website traffic when you can own it?
With that, I have hereby inaugurated this blog. Stay tuned for expert tips and insights.
kayce and danny

my gorgeous fiancee and i
Monday, November 12, 2007
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